The proceeds from the Wellesley Vagina Monologues go to the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC). I've been volunteering on the hotline for a semester now and I am so so so impressed with every single thing about this organization. I seriously can't praise it enough. BARCC provides services for survivors of sexual violence including counseling, legal advocacy, and medical advocacy. They also have outreach programs that educate and encourage communities to stop sexual violence and support survivors in the most effective and empowering way.
BARCC has a fabulous website: if you want more information about their services, or information about sexual violence in general. Also, the hotline is a great resource if you have any questions or just need someone to talk to: 800.841.8371. It's 24/7, confidential and anonymous, and staffed by totally awesome and fully trained volunteers (like me)!
Are you curious about what our donation actually does? According to BARCC's website:
$25 helps us answer two hotline calls.
$75 pays for medical accompaniment to a hospital emergency room by a trained volunteer.
$200 supports the first three sessions of free counseling for survivors and their families.
$1,000 allows a new volunteer or intern to attend BARCC’s comprehensive training program.
So if you want to be a part of the show, see our spam on community or email me at lfink @ wellesley for more information. Otherwise, be sure to come see the show on Feb. 27 and 28 and March 1st...all at 7pm in Jewett.
And by the way....VAGINA!!!
Can you tell how badly Britt and I can't wait to get started??
Love you all,